The mystery of a new day

What is a new day like for you? Do you give it a thought or are you too busy? Do you go with the flow or have a set plan? Are you excited or don’t you care? Is it in your control or is it controlled by others? Will you be happy, sad, or indifferent? No matter what, it is YOUR day and what kind of day it will be is where the mystery lies.

Everything I mentioned above pertains to events. It’s the events of a new day that make it a mystery, and how these events affect you make it good or bad. The events of the day are determining factors that say your day is controlled by you or controlled by others, and how you accept it is how you’ll grade it.

Many of us fall into the hive sponsored by webs of events, so our day goes this way and that way by the hour. People and things shine or rain on our parade. This is a sad way to live and eventually gets old so you try to expand events putting your eggs into this basket and that basket hoping it provides the day you’re looking for.

Now I’ll try to solve the mystery.

You can’t have a good day based on events only; your good day begins with YOU being the event, and for nothing in return…Whaaat! Yes, I said it right. No matter what happens in a day when you’re the benefactor/giver looking for no return in all that happens which you’re involved, your day was outstanding. I’m not saying not to be paid for your effort/labor; I’m saying your mindset should deem it secondary if at all.

You’re not indebted because of pay or the lack there of. The end does not justify the means here. You’re paid by the works of the Holy Spirit, (Did I lose anybody?) who will open the doors of wealth for you when you least expect it because of what you bring, large or small, and it how you bring it, (Attitude). Used rightly and you’ll always have a good day, but use it poorly and selfishly and your day will be event-based and always a mystery.

The outlook for a good day is not what’s in it for you but what’s in it for others whose lives you touch in a given day for the better regardless of reward. This kind of day has no failures making it a good day. This kind of day factors out the mysteries of events bought on daily as the calendar changes. This kind of day solves,…The mysteries of a new day.


Author: Gaidi

I’m a believer, born again/saved, and trust God. This was not always the case. What happened to me is what non-believer's choose not to believe; I know because I was one of them. The lie is part of all non-believer's DNA if they know it or not, and the truth is a new DNA you inherit when the lie is removed once saved, which is stated in that all too good to be true statement, in the twinkling of an eye found in the Bible. Also believe it or not, I’m no preacher, Deacon, Trustee, Elder, Bishop, Apostle, Evangelists or any who’s who title carrier of the church, I'm just a disciple of God/Jesus doing obedience which in my opinion covers all the above. If you want, you can reach me at or

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