Fear No Evil

This title is softer than the subject matter covered in this article.
The ultimate Evil is death, and the Mystery surrounding it strikes Fear for the non-understanding, so let me start.

Death is not final, it’s a process of life. I know that’s hard to perceive, but life in the physical world came from the spiritual world, and death in the physical world is the progression we go through to return to the spiritual world. This procedure became necessary in order to control Evil, it’s a purge.

Do not fear this Evil Saints! This was God’s promise to Adam and Eve if they disobeyed a particular command; those two bought Death into the physical world, Adam specifically, (Romans 5:12).
There’s a saying that goes like this, “A Taste of Honey is worse than none at all.” God did not give us life just so that He can snuff it out in a few short years, leaving it to suffer and rot with sickness and disease and all the other calamities of sin along the way. Man: Adam and Eve, forced God’s hand to impose this prearranged verdict of disobedience.
What kind of God would let other things exist forever except the creation He made in His own image and likeness? That’s cruel; not love, and God is Love, (1st John 4:8).

Jesus, also known as the Word, and who is God, (John 1:1-4) came into this physical world for one purpose and that was to defeat this Evil, (1st Corinthians 15:21,22). Sin is Evil, and the price you pay for dabbling in it is Death.
We’re not perfect like Jesus, so sin — again which is Evil, tempts us as it did Him, but with different results; there’s no escape.
Sin and Evil can be so small and camouflaged, it won’t register in our physical awareness, but it will play havoc causing sickness and disease, pain and suffering, spiritual, and ultimately physical death. Jesus defeated this, but how?

First, Jesus was not murdered. He gave His Life so life can continue beyond what you can see, hear, smell, taste, or touch. In other words, in a Realm not visible to us but running parallel too our existence right now.
Jesus took a beating so severe it would have killed any other man. Some Executioner’s tried desperately to kill Him by their overly vicious beating as to end His suffering out of mercy, but it didn’t work. Next, they nailed Him to a cross to crucify Him; the most painful, fearful, and inhumane form of death of that day.

Scripture tells us Jesus bore and took our sins to the cross, (1st Peter 2:24). Bearing our sins was more painful than the stripes/beating for Him because His Father turned away and would not gaze upon Him, (Matthew 27:46). For just a few moments Jesus felt the devastation and despair of spiritual death. It was at that moment He who had no sin became sin so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God is what Jesus felt come upon Him, (2nd Corinthians 5:21). It wasn’t long after that Jesus committed His Spirit to His Father and died, (Luke 23:46).

Upon His death, Jesus went straight to Hell; there, His Deity blew the Gates of Hell wide open. Jesus/God had no business there, and Satan along with all his demons and angels bowed before the King of Kings and Lord of lords, and within three days, Satan and his team was brought to nothing, and Jesus left bringing some people with Him, (Matthew 27:52,53).
Death was defeated when Jesus left Hell and returned to the physical world.
What you say!!!! Amen. I wrote myself happy.

Since then, Saints don’t pass that way. Death has no sting, (1st Corinthians 15: 56,57). There is no awareness of Death from the physical world back to the spiritual world for the Saints. That door is closed to them; the transition is not felt, and in the twinkling of an eye life continues, but as it was supposed to be before the fall… Glory be to God.

When God made us in His image and likeness, Death was not His Will, nor His Purpose for us, so He fixed it.

Still don’t understand? Okay, here’s a quick clarification. JESUS… It’s Jesus. Give your life to Jesus, and Fear No Evil.


Your Calling

Everyone born has a calling. This calling is assigned to you as a gift from God and has an appointed time; a season you can say for its birth. This calling, and appointed time is what happened also to Jesus at a wedding where He turned water into wine, (John 2:2-11). That night Jesus’ calling began.

Stepping into your calling concludes the nonsense that was once invisible to you, and from that moment, spotlighting itself into your every days; not as good or bad, but as an integral/innate connection spiritually with the Giver.
It’s not something you try, or have the power to induce because you don’t know you have it; it’s a gift that will only happen at an appointed time when God says you’re ready; only then will He expose it to you and tell you how and when to use it.
Now, if you don’t believe in, or know God, you can stop reading because everything from here will be above you’re understanding. If you don’t believe you’re in that group, continue.

Most callings you’d never imagine yourself doing, but once connected/tuned in, you’ll never be the same, and the word of God will become your only source, and your lifeline.

This calling effects everything, even the things outside of it. Everything in your life you’ll watch get restructured without your trying. New doors will open and old doors will close. Your vision changes and you’ll follow a path you’ve never before traveled; heard about, and never gave thought that it’ll be yours.
Moment-by-moment flashes of this calling begins to appear in your mind, and you thought just being saved was enough. God’s calling, and His Will, will be done.
It’ll be not like it’s ever been before. You’re being pulled, drawn into something that you know is not you — so you thought. You can find nothing wrong with it, and it won’t go away. Something inside of you is waking up; something that seemed as if it was installed or injected. You ask yourself, is this that I feel something that was always inside of me, and asleep? And another thing, the presence of God will seem so alive and be so prevalent around you. You feel as if you can touch this thing. What will people say? Will they see it? Don’t be weary, you’ve been called; and your appointed time has come.

Surrender, God has taken over. What you thought was your direction doesn’t exist anymore. What you thought you were about, you’re not about anymore, but everything is better, simpler, and more rewarding.
If you’re obedient to the calling, Your Calling, then your New Birth walk will be outstanding, and you’ll finally realize what you’re really about, and you’ll have an intuitive understanding of those called before you, for the reason that now you can relate.


Word of note: Your calling will not necessarily be ministerial. Whatever it is, the style YOU bring to it will be unmatched.

Here are some versus to help you understand what God has done to you that you never knew.
(Romans 11:29), God gave you this and it cannot be withdrawn.
(Romans 8:30), You were predestined with this gift and calling.
(1st Corinthians 1:26), When called, the gift you have is above any worldly knowledge.
(2nd Timothy 1:9), God gave you this call before time existed.
(Jeremiah 1:5), God knew us before the womb.


Eternity is Eternity

Eternity is not what’s going to happen, Eternity is happening now.
Yes, Eternity is, and all that there is, but it’s this realm called Time that disturbs its perfect balance.

Eternity is the un-ending state of now. Time was created inside of Eternity’s realm but with boundaries. Its border is Earth. Time was created for Earth and everything outside of Earth is timeless, but even Earth can’t escape the cause and effect which is harnessed in the sphere of Eternity. Stay with me for this.

All motion is futuristic, once made it can’t return. Once a motion is made it becomes the past; that motion has already been done, and any subsequent motion is future because it hasn’t been done, meaning there’s no such thing as the present.
The true present is motionless.
It’s Time, and her 24-hour phenomenon that makes the present explainable, and acceptable, but not realistic in the entire scope of things if Eternity is considered.

Scripture tells us God finished His creation — including Time, in six days, along with everything in it, (Exodus 20:11).
So, we can technically say as far as Eternity is concerned, Time has come and gone, it had its beginning, and because of the fall of Man, signs of its ending read soon. Its already been in the company of Eternity. Time is not Eternity. Time is a bubble, and God is about to pop it because it’s tainted; it’s toxic now — thanks to Adam and Eve.

In the steadiness of Time, when our body’s anatomy can no longer induce motion, we’re physically dead; part of the past. Science looks for motion in the brain to sustain/identify proof of life, or death, but because of Eternity — the forever presence of now, God doesn’t see us/His image and likeness ending. His concerned is where we’ll be once departed from Time. Time is irrelevant to God, it wasn’t, and doesn’t factor to Him with Man.

Leaving Time is absent from the body, but in the presence of God, (2nd Corinthians 5:8).
Our lives today are not outside of Eternity, but in a wing of it. God’s plan for the conquerors of Time is soon to begin; it’s already been done. (Romans 8:35-39). Hope you’re ready.


As Jesus is

In (1st John 4:17), it reads: As Jesus is so am I in this world. As a matter of fact, from (1st John 4:7-17), it talks of the love of God — who IS love, and everyone who loves is born of God, and knows God, [This birth — born of God, is speaking of the born-again/save ].
If you’re not born-again/saved, you don’t, and can’t have the God kind of love for anything or anybody. God’s love is unconditional — agape, and all other kinds of love is conditional — selfish.
You can tell if the God kind of love is in a person by action, speech, and deed which exposes the god living inside of them, (1st John 4:12,13, 15,16). So, where am I going with this?

Look at everyday life; look at this world, look at your neighbor, look at yourself and your speech; your actions and reactions. Look at how you automatically behave in front of friends, strangers, and love ones; do you fluctuate because of prejudices stored internally, so grouping is your way of understanding as how you’ll conduct yourself be it positively or negatively. Do they expose the love of God, or of Satan, example: Satan will call you by your sin and not by your name, and God will call you by your name but not by your sin.

What’s in your heart that’s coming out of your mouth, because what’s in your heart is what you believe, and what you believe will come out your mouth, and that which comes out of your mouth you’ll do, and what you do exposes your god.

God is love, Jesus is Love, and the Holy Spirit is love, and that’s what we’re about once saved if God abides in us, because (1st John 4:17) reads: “As Jesus is” so are we IN THIS WORLD. We’re to love one another now while in this world; that’s a divine statement of spiritual protocol, (Galatians 5:16- 26).
It’s either God or Satan working through us, and it’s Satan’s job to steer people away from love/God through the flesh, but it’s God’s Will for us to be led by Him through the Spirit/Holy Spirit.

So, watch yourself before you call someone by their sin; out of their name, or talk down to them with a sharp tongue, grouping, and living your life thinking and acting as if you’re self-righteous. Scripture calls you a fraud/hypocrite, (Matthew 23:13,15, 25 – 28).
Be careful, your god/father just might be Satan, (John 8:44).


Word of note: When I speak of the flesh I’m not speaking of skin, blood or bones. I’m speaking of any and everything that’s contradictory to the word of God. So, if you don’t know the word of God, and you’re saved, then you’re handicapped.
If you do know the word of God and your method of moving people is putting them into condemnation with a sharp tongue, short of embarrassment and humiliation; judging, and using God as a weapon, then you’re a phony/hypocrite, because Jesus took condemnation to the Cross; why use it on people?
If you don’t know God, because you’re not born-again/saved, then Satan’s got your back — with his knife plunged deep into it despite the fact he’s also pulling your chain so you’ll dance to his tune.


What makes me tick

How do I work. All things have mechanisms that make them function. Some things have many mechanisms and the sum of those mechanisms make one whole unit; but what about me, how do I work; what makes me tick?

We are designed; as complex as it seems, and if you believe it or not, the finished product from a blueprint, engineered with many mechanical parts created by a higher power; no different than a car that was assembled on an assembly line, and just like a car, unable to operate without the fuel.

The fuel that makes us work is the Breath of God, (Genesis 2:7). God breathed the breath of life into the man/our nostrils and the man/we becoming a living soul.
As long as the Breath of God is in us, we will function as a living being/soul. Remove that — God’s Breath, and this highly-engineered mechanism of flesh will stop and drop like a rock in water; as fast as gravity can pull it down; just as a car empty of its fuel.

Knowing that, it’s quite apparent we can’t function without God. The fuel/Breath of God is what’s holding us together. I hope you understand this? There is no seeing, there is no hearing, there is no tasting, there is no touching, there is no smelling, and there is no living soul without the Breath of God functioning inside of you.

So, what is this breath? How can breath do these things? Well, the word for breath in the Hebrew language is ghost. The breath of God is the Holy Ghost/Spirit. God blew into our nostrils the Holy Ghost and we became a living soul.
We’re not what we see in the mirror, we’re what we can’t see — nor understand if not saved, but it’s essential to believe this because it’s true and happening. Sadly, how blind are the people in denial.

We are of God period. Do we make choices that contradict this fact — yes? This mechanism is easily influenced because of its design, but is it a flaw — no? This mechanism’s design has free will as part of its engineering. This free will enables us to refuse the truth because of influences but is no less a creation of God. There’s nothing about us separate from God. He’s with us and into every act and every choice to influence truth by way of the Holy Ghost/Spirit – His Breath.

This is why He can say I’ll never leave you or forsake you, (Hebrews 13:5,6). He can’t leave you. We are because He is; without Him there is no us or a working physical body. Let me add.

The only reason we can entertain anything contradictory to God is because we don’t fear Him. He will not strike us down or open the Earth and swallow us up as He did in the Old Testament before Jesus, and it’s because of Jesus we’re able to treat God as a wuss — without those things happening; a phase — short of choice, we all go through, and some remain, but we’d better think again.
If you are a living soul, and you/we are, it’s because of God; there’s no getting around it, and to not take it seriously but foolishly or lightly as we sometimes do, is a lack of respect, disbelief, and having no honor for God all mighty, plus ignorant to what makes us tick.

Will we be separated from our physical body — yes, but very much alive because what makes us tick returns to the owner for another phase according to Jesus, (2nd Corinthians 5:8).

After the separation from the physical body, a meeting will be held between you and God called judgment if you don’t have confirmation to go further, (Hebrews 9:27). If you do have confirmation, you’ll be given keys to a mansion, amongst other things, (John 14:2). You’ve been pardoned and judgment is not for you.
At that time the mechanism called your body would have been reworked and re-engineered, and what makes it tick – the real you with the Breath of God, will be re-implanted — similarly to the way it was when it was inserted into your earthly body, but not by birth, but by a rebirth you obtained while still alive in time. Glory be to God.


What’s Eternity

Put the dictionary down. What I’m asking is can you see, feel, or understand eternity as if it were part of your five senses. If you can, you’re better off than most because you’re living in the Divine nature of God.

Scripture tells us God knew us before we entered the womb, (Jeremiah 1:5), and (Genesis 1:26,27), meaning when God was creating all things — the Heavens, the Angels etc.; He created you and me all in those six days, because God created nothing else once He rested on that seventh day called the Sabbath. We most likely were created somewhere in that group called Host, waiting.

Everything created was for God’s pleasure and purpose, (Philippians 2:13), and (Colossians 1:16), including all Spirits, Angelic beings, and His Host; all of God’s creation, and with special duties — gifts we’ll say, (1st Corinthians 12:8-11), Examples: The word of knowledge, The word of wisdom, The gift of Prophecy, The gift of faith, The gift of healing, The working of miracles, The discerning of spirits, different kinds of tongues, and The interpretation of tongues.

Every Host designated to enter the womb that was to become Human, entered the womb at God’s appointed time, because everything they needed to do God’s Will, Purpose, and Pleasure according to their gift/special duties, would have been there waiting.

You were not born; nor yet to have entered the womb, before your appointed time, parents united, assignment invented, and in place on Earth, so you could function using the Gift you were given even though you/we were still in Eternity. Your Gift was either for time gone by, this time of the present, or tomorrows time which is being arranged. It’s the way God worked.

Adam and Eve were placed on Earth after everything they needed to do God’s Will was in place and functioning; so it is today.
You would have existed, or have gone back to Eternity after making your way, or you’re paving the way for the Human Host of today; here now existing in time by way of Eternity, establishing your Gift and making the way for the Human Host to come who are not yet inside a womb, or, just been born and now are outside a womb carrying spiritual gifts/special duties, (1st Peter 4:10).

So, what’s so special about these Gifts? These Gifts are something you can do that I can’t, or something you can do that if I did it, I wouldn’t reap your kind of success because it’s not my Gift, it’s yours, and you brought it with you from Eternity. Let me slow down some.
People can have the same Gift okay, but it will be presented in front of different audiences that you’ll reach better then I, and visa versa.

When we left Eternity to come into time, we were pure, known by God, (Jeremiah 1:5). But passing through the womb erased all that, and the sin nature was mingled into our DNA.
Because of sin, the Human Spirit/Host was detoured, but Jesus, the Son of God, and our Lord and Savior, came into this physical world in the flesh for the fix — even at His appointed time.

Sin has an expiration date. It will not continue to exist throughout Eternity; it wasn’t God’s plan, and death is the purge, but not for the Human Spirit/Host that was re-born through Jesus. Their/our job is to do the task of God which was given to us before the womb, but only realized and achievable after receiving Christ, so it can manifest into a physical presence during our appointed time.

This new, re-born birth experience connects us to who and what we were before the womb when God knew us from the beginning, before the very foundation of existence that is without end, (Romans 8:29), (Ephesians 1:4,5), Ephesians 1:11), (2nd Timothy 1:9), and again, (Jeremiah 1:5).
This Human Spirit/Host will return, but will it return with the installation of sin still intact, or with the nature of sin removed by the blood of Jesus? If not removed there is NO chance for your purpose in your appointed time to manifest itself into the physical realm, and that choice nullifies your reason to exist any further with God and all His glory with Jesus, or any relative, friend, or person of knowledge who excepted the call once we’re back in Eternity from which we came.

We are Eternal beings. God has done everything He’s going to do with Eternity’s ever present now existence — which may not seem that way in this world of time.
Once you’ve received Jesus, you’ll have power; the Divine power of God, and because of the blood of Jesus, victory over all things in and of this world (Luke 10:19), and again (Genesis1:26,27).

We’ve got to pull the switch of our conscious in order for this to happen and the switch is only capable by the blood of Jesus. We’re on loan to this physical world and not established in it because of sin, (John17:14).
Nothing can stop your healing, deliverance, peace, joy, happiness, Gifts, and even riches but you, and your disbelief and disobedience.

We are a spirit from Eternity with divine power, and the Holy Spirit is eager to bend over backwards to establish our Gift, and the power with it.
So, use it, the Word of God will teach you; it’s our ammunition against all things spiritual, and physical in nature that works against what God knows about us, whom He created out the gate before there was an is.
Now that’s Eternity.


Word of note: Isn’t it amazing that spiritually we’re all the same age until judgement, and that’s where the separation will occur.





The Church

In my travels people have had issues with organized religion/the Church. I was once one of them, but here’s what’s happening.
It’s the Power, it’s the Politics, and it’s the Pride found inside the house of God that nerve people — saved or not, and it’s noticeable.

In (Numbers 12:1,2), Miriam and Aaron had issues with Moses’ wife, an Ethiopian/Cushite woman named Tharbis. Many believe it was a race issue, but it wasn’t. Zipporah, the Midianite, and the wife mentioned in the Holy Bible was in actuality the first lady of her day. Moses and his wives confined with each other as husband and wife should, and Zipporah, with Tharbis had information Moses hadn’t shared with Aaron or Miriam the two found out.

They questioned who is this Ethiopian woman; aren’t we as Moses etc… (Numbers 12:1,2). God heard this and summon the three – Miriam, Aaron, and Moses, then He straightened Miriam and Aaron out immediately, (Numbers 12: 4-15), [ Pride ].

The Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes, Sanhedrin, Chief Priests and Elders wanted and plotted to kill Jesus because the Jews were deserting them and believing in Him, (John 11: 45-49) and (John 12:10,11), [ Power].

Today we have different denominations of religious beliefs; one to suit your flavor so you can be comfortable in your sin and do whatever you want, to believe your self-righteous, and still go to heaven, [ Politics ].

Power is contagious and corrupts, Pride is a sin, and Politics separate. When these things are in The Church at any level — religion, traditions, false doctrine, condemnation, requirements, laws, rules, and rituals become the norm rather than the Gospel. The Church becomes a brand protected by head officials and administrators, and passed down to the congregation. If it’s in the world, it’s in The Church.

These sequences inside The Church keep you from fitting in until you show loyalty to the brand, not the Gospel — that’s second – maybe.

So many of us have a problem with organized religion; not the Gospel again, but the traditions of self-righteousness preferred over the righteousness of God which is given to all the born-again/saved – free, if you believe and have faith in Jesus’ finished works at the Cross, (Amos 5: 23,24).

Example: I read my Bible, pay my tithes, and not miss Church to show God, ? — [ Self-Righteousness ] — rather than, because of what God had Jesus do in my behave, I read my Bible, pay my tithes, and not miss Church, — [ The righteousness of God/the Gospel ].

I don’t have an ending to this illustration, just a wake-up call for the purpose of understanding.
Wake up Assemblies of God. Many people are turned off by the Pride, Power, & Politics inside The Church as you influence people to establish their own self-righteousness because of their unfamiliarity in the Gospel. Others have chosen death. They will die, and go straight to Hell in their ignorance, and many are believers that haven’t received Christ as Lord and Savior. Their reasoning – it’s because of you. God will hold you accountable, (Matthew 7:21-23).


Word of note: People, don’t take it out on God because of The Church. Even God is disappointed at so, so many churches/houses of God today. Read the above verse. If you believe in Jesus, that He’s the son of God, lived in the flesh, died, rose from the dead, and now through Him we’re forgiven/pardoned from the payment of sin which we’re to be responsible for come judgement, choose Him to come into your life as Lord and Savior right now.

Don’t let religion stop you because of the shallowness going on inside some of these houses of God. If you believe, push them aside just as one of the thieves on the cross did who was beside Jesus. He Believed and asked, “Lord, remember me when you come into your Kingdom.” (Luke 23:42,43). If you’re on the borderline and are still confused, read the article, “Get Saved Now” on this site… Jesus is returning soon.


Living in Yesterday’s Tomorrow or Deja Vu

Deja Vu is defined as a feeling of having already experienced happenings of the present. It’s like living yesterday’s tomorrow again – a re-run. The word in French means: already seen. The dictionary calls it a feeling, but is it?

Science says it’s a split-second delay in the brain transferring information. When the brain catches up it’s as if we’ve already seen, acted, or have been in that situation before, because the brain is retrieving the information twice.

As the Bible ministers to me, I see in the spirit first, then the flesh, happenings occurring today what God says — in His Word, already has been, (Ecclesiastes 1:9). His Word giving me a chance to see what He’s done as a whole before it re-happens in time. It’s as if the physical world is catching up to what’s already been recorded according to scripture, but instead of it being a split-second of Deja Vu, it’s an infinity moment covering 6,000 years, but the Bible can’t call this that I’m seeing Deja Vu, it calls it Prophecy.

I walk in a constant state of awareness to Prophecy; watching people and events falling into place as it is written, just as the Bible said it would, giving me a kind of a spiritual Deja Vu. I’m seeing what many of the Prophets saw in their day and predicted, plus I’m seeing what Jesus preached which is to happen, because it has; watching God’s time clock surface into our reality, watching what The Great I Am has already predestined as His course of action to deal with sin once and for all.
This action was to box time in – surround and limit it so that there’s nothing ever to be new; once again, (Ecclesiastes 1:9).

It’s not Deja Vu when God’s Word makes it appear as if I’ve lived this before, it’s a split-second spiritually of how God sees time being already done that I and all the Saints have been allowed to see through His Eyes of Eternity, living in God’s yesterday, but my tomorrow.



Some of us spend more time in the presence of God than others. What makes this so? Some answers are found by these questions. How strongly do YOU believe in God — if it all? Do YOU believe He’ll do what He says? And how do YOU use faith in Him to govern YOUR life?
Here’s a clue. You’ll either believe and put your faith in the world’s system, or you’ll believe and put your faith in God’s. Whichever one you choose, the other will be a distraction.

If you choose the world’s system, you’re in a race against time, because time is short, that’s why it’s called the human race. What you’ll believe and put faith in doesn’t change for you as time goes by because you’re locked in — fixed, [the-grid].
The other is to put your belief and faith in God and His Timeless Reality for your destiny; His Will and purpose for you, eternity, living on earth as it is in Heaven, (Matthew 6:10) [off-grid].

Example: The more time you spend in the presence of God is the more time you’re spending off-grid — off the beaten path of this physical world and it’s daily grind, into a realm of reality only experienced by believing and having faith in God; living a parallel existence to this physical world — [off-grid]. This is foolish for the people that lack this understanding because of where they put their faith, and how they believe, (1st Corinthians 2:14).

The spiritual world is eternal – [off-grid], and dominant over everything physical – [the-grid], (Genesis 1:26).
One is timeless, and the other is quickly moving toward its finish, (Mark 13: 31-33). One is being one with God – [off-grid], and the other is as a chipmunk running inside of its cage on a wheel; just running, with the wheel spinning and spinning, but in actuality they’re going nowhere and going there fast, or like people with no or little vision, shooting at nothing, and hitting it every time – [the-grid].

Your belief, and your faith, is exposed by actions, and made transparent by what you speak, plus made evident by how you use your time. Listen to what people are speaking and you’ll know who their father is. Watch what people are doing — spending their time, and you’ll know who their father is, (John 8:44.) The sum will tell if they spin time on or off-grid; with or without God.

God said there’s nothing new under the sun – [the-grid], (Ecclesiastes 1:9-11). Life on the-grid is and always has been the same yesterday, today, and will be tomorrow.
Evidently, God distinguishes life as He wanted and created it, as off-grid.

We’re to understand the parallel Realm of Eternity; living with its power that overlaps all lies of impossibilities the physical world can only explain as Supernatural when it happens. No, it’s natural, but not on the-grid.
If we could truly believe and took seriously who we are in Christ and that He lives through us when we gave up our life to be saved; that all things are possible for God [meaning natural for Him], but for man impossible, or supernatural because of his non-belief, (Matthew 19:26).

The world doesn’t deny an off-grid realm exists as taught in the Holy Bible because it’s always tried to snuff out its teachings with laws, rules, regulations, and penalties; even death if not censored.
Will they ever get what God said in (Matthew 24:35), that Heaven and earth will pass away [the first Heaven] but His Word will never — and it will not come back void but accomplish everything He sent it to do, (Isaiah 55:11).
Believe this people. It’s the word and promises of God sent to us – off-grid, through the Holy Bible.


Word of note: Supernatural is not of God, look it up. Supernatural is of the occult, and our Churches are soundly wrong in its usage pertaining to God. Supernatural is a man-made word discrediting God’s Divinity in the event to humanize Him. It’s a word to describe what’s ab-normal to scientific understanding. There’s nothing ab-normal about God – only for Man, God intervening is Divine, not ab-normal or supernatural.
God’s off-grid, keeping in line with the illustration of this text, but no less Divine.


Perhaps You May or Perhaps You May Not

Have you ever wondered if God speaks to you? Did you say you do but you never heard Him speak? Did you say the way you live your life He wouldn’t want to? Did you say you’re still waiting, or did I hear you say it doesn’t matter because you don’t believe in God. WRONG PEOPLE, wrong, wrong, wrong. God speaks to each and every one of us [ 7/24 ], 7 days a week, and 24 hours per day since the beginning of our creation if we know or believe it or not — saved or not saved, period.

When God created Man, He met with Man in the cool of the day, (Genesis 3:8). We/Man had total trust in God as He nurtured us in all things. Any and everything we needed and was to be aware of He provided. We weren’t created to omit God from anything, but something happened. We got deceived scripture has it and ate from the forbidden Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, [ aka. blessings and calamity ] that was in the mist of the Garden of Eden where man first lived, (Genesis 2:17).

This tree’s fruit was significant because of its nature, and to eat of it opened our eyes to what we never knew or dreamed we’d do, and that was to have doubt and question everything, including God.
We didn’t have that trait before then; God was our source of everything, so what is this trait? It was the introduction of conscience, not consciousness but a conscience that from then until now has been our battle; the battle of should I or should I not, and perhaps I may, or perhaps I may not, a battle fought within.

Our conscience puts before us questions and choices that our heart is to decide, choices for example between right and wrong etc. If we choose wrong; you heard the phrase, we’ll have a guilty conscience, an inner conviction.
We don’t own this conscience but it’s there lurking, and we can’t tap into it. But we do make decisions based on what’s it’s offering.

Scripture says it’s where the battle is, affirming it’s not of this world but the principalities of a world we don’t see, (Ephesians 6:12). That’s right, this verse is explaining your conscience, and it’s a spiritual battle apart from this physical world; a battle not between you and me, but a battle presented by our conscience of how we’ll treat and live with each other and ourselves; it’s the spiritual Realm speaking to you, and you making decisions and taking action to what it suggest. What’s speaking are two things, one is our sin of disobedience inherited from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil — conscience spurred by Satan, and second, is God speaking to that same conscience through the Holy Spirit to get you to do the right thing by Him.

Satan, who is the ruler of this dark world, and the force of evil in the spiritual realm comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus came so that we may have life, and have it more abundantly to the fullest; not at the expense of others, but as only the Lord thy God can deliver, (John10:10).
When you can do wrong without conviction of conscience, (1st Timothy 4:1,2) your God is Satan; he’s speaking to you and you’re obeying, but if you feel convicted, you’re hearing from God; God is speaking to you through the Holy Spirit, (Romans 1:18).

When we teach young children to get along with others in schools; teaching them right from wrong, we’re teaching them how to hear from God, and doing wrong will give them a guilty conscience and they don’t want that, plus we teach there’s consequences for doing so.
But many households teach their children differently. They’re teaching their children not to hear from God but to hear and follow Satan who is THIER god, [ The parent’s god. ] and his ungodly practices and lifestyle which these households brand.

But Satan is a liar, (John 8:44), and a lot of his success is because of ignorance, (Hosea 4:6). Doing right is listening to God and taught spiritually through sound conscience — even if you knew nothing; not doing right is wrong, (Galatians 6:9), it’s ignoring God, listening to Satan — who is also teaching spiritually but passing over sound conscience, and there’s no excuse however you choose, (Romans 1:20 & 22). God will speak to you through your conscience and will remind you of His ways.

To discriminate, manipulate, hate, deceive, exploit, backstab, bicker, bully, slander, gossip, be cruel/hard, cold blooded, mean-spirited, disrespectful to parents, corrupt, loveless, a cheat, with a will to destroy; kill, able to spit in God’s face without conscience for YOUR profit or gain, or for YOU and some group is not of God, it is of the Antichrist spirit and you are damned because God will quit speaking to you and let Satan have you, (Romans 1:28-32).
But if your conscience convicts you of these things, you still have a chance. God is speaking to you and hasn’t given up on you. Look at this world; observe Satan’s work. His followers hear his voice just like God says, His followers hear His Voice, (John 10:27). Conscience.

Once you understand that this is just one of the ways God speaks to us all — through our conscience, you can grow and move forward toward a deeper and more vivid communication from Him because the voice that you hear through your conscience is His simplest form of communication with us.

God didn’t give up on us, or how He’s made us even though we disobeyed Him in the Garden. He didn’t write us off. There’s some things we can’t get around because it’s still in our DNA, and it’s Him constantly speaking to us and we hearing Him saved or not because of conscience.
We weren’t made to disobey God but after we ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil we learned how, (Proverbs 14:12). And in (Proverbs 14:13) He explains the guilty conscience, but don’t worry, Jesus came and through Him we get reprogramed on how to function at the higher level we had before the introduction of conscience and the choice to be disobedient, and doubtful; forsaking a Devine nature lifestyle. Hey — let’s face it; God does. Oh! I almost forgot — perhaps you may or perhaps you may not.