
“Pride” is the number one emotion separating Man from God. Every man, and every woman regardless of age will forever deal with “Pride”.

Our true selves — that part of us which no one sees is loaded with “Pride”. That Self is the self-made hero that wants to be recognized when recognition is handed out in spite of to who, or how small. It’s so bad, that we’ll invent a recognition.

“Pride” doesn’t move you, it deceives and lies to you, and it comes before destruction – (Proverbs 16:18). To say you have “Pride” about yourself is to say you can’t be moved; that you’re fixed. Too, you’ll indorse that way of thinking to others suggesting they get some “Pride” about themselves when in actuality you’re talking about respect.

“Pride” is idolizing oneself, and scripture tells us to have no other gods/idols but God Almighty, for He is a jealous God – (Exodus 20:3-6). Pride holsters offense and fear, equally “Pride” is released when low self-esteem is challenged, or high self-esteem — which today is considered normal. “Pride” is a god battling for the throne of your heart, and when it wins, it’ll control your destiny. It may seem irrelevant, but behind every struggle in life, there’s this idol god of “Pride”, and until he’s dethroned, they’ll be no victory.

Bigotry – is a form of “Pride”.

Prejudice and racism – is a form of “Pride”.

Manipulation – is a form of “Pride”.

Lies! is a form of “Pride”.

Depression – is a form of “Pride”.

Aggression – is a form of “Pride”.

Stubbornness – is a form of “Pride”.

Being ungrateful – is a form of “Pride”.

Discontentment – is a form of “Pride”

Thinking too less of yourself – is a form of “Pride”.

Legalism in religion – is a form of “Pride”.

Exploitation – is a form of “Pride”.

Men and women living together unmarried – is a form of “Pride.”

Denial – is a form of “Pride”.

Self-made disorders – is a form of “Pride”.

Power – is a form of “Pride”.

Success at all costs – is a form of “Pride”.

Wanting to be the most important person in the room – is a form of “Pride”.

Needing to be praised worthy – is a form of “Pride”.

Pornography – is a form of “Pride”.

Not manning up if you’re a man – is a form of “Pride”.

Not womaning up if you’re a woman – is a form of “Pride”.

“Pride” caught up with Lucifer, and “Pride” will catch up with you, so when it does, and you want to change it, repent; read the Apostle Paul’s struggle with sin/”Pride” in (Romans 7:16-25); next — as he, pray for humility, and for those gods to be removed from you, unless you enjoy them, if so, your problem’s not “Pride”, it’s Satan.


Trust encore presentation

“Trust” is a form of intimacy. It’s a non-documented oath between people who are not necessarily sexual in their affiliation. And because “Trust” is often broken, courts were born; too, because so much “Trust” is being broken, these court systems of impartiality stay in an ongoing phase of revision, and modification.

People “Trust” to a level beneficial to their personal want. We have a tendency to “Trust” one another as far as the situation suits our behavior, but let me add, “Trust” also doesn’t stand alone; it has a partner, and that partner is faith.

“Trust” and faith go together like hand and glove, salt and pepper, or food and drink; these combinations make for better what they’re used for, and it would seem thoughtless to separate one from the other when the situation presents itself.

When Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, she wasn’t, and didn’t “Trust” Adam’s advice about what he’d warned; it didn’t sit well with her, so she had no faith in what he’d probably discussed with her more than once, or twice; most likely many times, because just like anything, stuff just don’t happen, you’ve to got to give it much thought before you act, consequently breaking “Trust” – (James 1:13-15), and that breach sliced into her and Adam’s familiarity with each other when she decided to ignore his instructions. Eve saw no benefit in listening to Adam; after all, God hadn’t consulted her. But when Adam joined her defiance, and we don’t know the reason why, but obviously he felt a motive; too, when it didn’t side with God, that’s when all hell broke loose.

Adam directly disobeyed God; breaking “Trust”, and lost faith in all God had told him about that tree. He bypassed God; pushed Him aside, subsequently the understanding, and confidence between the two was shattered; in addition, God’s order of things. (Genesis 3:17).  Without “Trust” in a relationship, there’s no faith in its meaning, and intimacy is artificial.

Today we re-enact the cause and effect of the Original Sin without thought of the consequences because we’re callous to the meaning of “Trust”. Our hearts have wax cold. Relationships are conditional, “Trust” now has disclaimers attached, and the faith that’s supposed to accompany it is delusional. But not so says God. You can still “Trust” God, and those that do have no issues in God’s order of things, nor the family’s line of obedience/structure according to God. God says, He is Jesus’ head, Jesus is the man’s head, and the man is the woman’s head, (1st Corinthians 11:3); so, anything that’ll flaw that code of conduct – “Trust”, is kicking sand into God’s face.

If you have a need to check the court documents of Adam and Eve’s arguments and how it worked out for them, and how God/the Grand Jury felt about it; well, the verdict and sentence is in, (Genesis 3:14-19).


Word of note: I used Adam and Eve as an illustration of broken “Trust” because we can read about the devastation it caused quite easily in any Holy Bible but broken “Trust” in any endeavor has dire consequences. Broken “Trust” births a loss of faith; scarring closeness and is the biggest why in damaged emotions. The cries are enormously loud for this kind of betrayal to end — and it can, but it starts and ends with YOU.

Quit rewarding negative behavior of any kind. Enforce issues about your character and don’t compromise. You may start out alone, but righteousness attracts righteousness. Scripture tells us to be patient and not anxious about anything – (Philippians 4:6). Evaluate yourself and don’t lie. Truly be trustworthy. Don’t put lipstick on a pig, dress as a wolf in sheep’s clothing, or think any more of yourself than you actually are? Do you do what you say, and say what you mean at all cost? Are you punctual? Do you use brush off phrases as — I’ll try, or maybe? If so, like I said, start with yourself so your light will shine and those that need to stay hidden won’t approach you because of the fear of exposure; it’s called resisting the devil and watching him flee – (James 4:7).

The ones that are left standing, chances are were crying too, but look closer, is there light radiating from their aura, and if so, are you drawn to it, or do YOU need to flee for fear of exposure?


Buried Treasure

Buried Treasure for some is a fantasy, and for some it’s a fact, either way, there’s skepticism. Imagine, people finding “Buried Treasure” but the unbelief in it for many will continue to be stronger than the fact that there is a such thing. Buried Treasures are not always buried, and in America today, millions of people participate daily, and are very much involved in its search.

People in search of “Buried Treasure” are looking for sudden riches. Yesterday it was the Gold Rush; today it’s Oil, and the deeper your pockets, plus who you know, the better your strike if found – they say.

People look for “Buried Treasure” today innocently, by gambling legally through the entity known as the Gaming Industry, or illegally in the streets of our cities — holding fast to the belief of chance — investing a little, to gain a lot, hooked on the magic that sudden riches for them is just around the conner, or possibility the next play, hoping it’ll uncover that “Buried Treasure”. They all know it’s not a sure thing, but they belief it is, and it outweighs the likelihood of failure. BELIEF is the keyword. It’s the BELIEF in sudden riches, its lure, and the few that get it that fuels the argument and teases the mystery – (Luke 4:5-8).

Now relax. The notion of “Buried Treasure”, and unrevealed riches, is a fact realizable for all. Many of us have heard the saying — we look for gold in all the wrong places, well it’s true.

Scripture tells us exactly where the ‘Buried Treasure” is – (Colossians 3:1-3). This verse means, once born-again/saved, we’ve died to our old self. It doesn’t exist anymore, and we’re to change our way of thinking about earthly things because it won’t work for us – as if it ever did, and our new life is hidden with Jesus. That’s right, it’s hidden in Jesus, the one who created abundant riches, with way more than enough – (John 10:10), and (Malachi 3:10). Jesus is saying, the world will only fool you, and you’ll lose every time; bank what you have in Me, and you won’t be able to find places for it all.

Don’t stop reading.

Most of us are willing to sacrifice for worldly gain through hard work, and that too is not promised, rather than submit to the gain promised by God. Why? Because we don’t believe, trust, or have the proper knowledge of God, and how He works.

Promise after promise throughout scripture is ignored because of our ignorance of not knowing who we are in Christ. We’re quick to tell people, “I’m just trying to find my way until my ship comes in.” Well let me tell you, you can’t, because your ship is hidden inside of Jesus; so your ‘Buried Treasure’ stays buried, and since we won’t go the way we’re supposed to, it stays hidden, subsequently we search for gold in all the wrong places.

Even the fact that we reap what we sow is ignored, (Galatians 6:7,8) which means, we get what we go after. If most of it is a lie, then we’ll get mostly lies. if it’s the truth, we’ll get the truth. God’s Word doesn’t lie, and once released it goes out and does what it’s supposed to do, and doesn’t come back void, (Isaiah 55:10,11).

We’ll find ourselves in Jesus and His anointing, the same anointing that’s now our anointing; housing our “Buried Treasure.” It’s in Him, plus more than we can ever imagine. Just look at this planet in all its majesty. God ain’t cheap, we are – (Romans 1:24); too, the real who we are with our anointing, we’re to have everything – (Philippians 4:19), and have it without toil or sorrow – (Proverbs 10:22). We limit God.

We limit God when we think small, and move according to our own understanding, which means without Him, and scripture tells us don’t do that – (Proverbs 3:5,6). Not to dig into Jesus is walking blind and deaf, having eyes but can’t see, and ears but can’t hear; lost, and without God – (Jeremiah 5 21,23).

Seek all that God has to give you – (Psalm 37:4), and received all the “Buried Treasure” that’s been there all the time waiting; untapped, undeliverable; getting dusty; instead of you choosing to go around Jesus who’s holding them for you, while the world keeps you doing what you do; hitting and missing — mostly missing, just as Satan intended.


Why we should know the truth about Easter week

Here are some points made by Jesus.

People didn’t believe they were slaves either because they were descendants of Abraham, and told Jesus they have never been slaves to anyone – (John 8:33). Jesus answered, everyone who sins is a slave to sin – (John 8:34).

In verse – (John 8:31), Jesus just finished telling the people if you remain faithful to His teachings, then you are one of His disciples, and He gave reason in –  (John 8:32). He said, and I paraphrase, This way you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

Jesus was actually trying to teach then what The Apostle Paul taught later in – (Romans 3:4), which reads, Let the word of God be true and every man a liar.

Now, let’s fast forward.

People who what to know the truth and believe, will believe as it is written in – (John 19:31), that Jesus was crucified on Preparation Day, the day before Passover, and that Passover is a special Sabbath for that week, and not the regular end of the week Sabbath.

Knowing this truth, will set you free to know from 6:00 sundown Wednesday, to 6:00 sundown Thursday is day one. From 6:00 sundown Thursday, to 6:00 sundown Friday is day two, and from 6:00 sundown Friday to 6:00 sundown Saturday, is day three.

Jesus rose from the dead sometime between 6:00 sundown Saturday, and early Sunday morning which was the first day of the week. Scripture will tell you what the women were doing Thursday and Friday in observance of Passover, and to finish Jesus’ burial.

The new day from Genesis on, starts in the evening, and the Jews honor, and observe this. Their year is 360 days, and each month has the same number of days.

Jesus also said in – (Matthew 12:40), that as Jonah was THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS in a huge fish, so will the Son of Man will be THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS in the heart of earth. Jesus didn’t say half days, and partial nights, He meant THREE FULL DAYS, AND THREE FULL NIGHTS. Impossible for all that happened, happened on Friday when the Word/Bible gives a time line. We can stand on the word of God and be free, even in the minority of what’s popular and the excuses to defend it.

For Me, I want to know the truth in case someone asks; also, I don’t want to sit on it either. I know by experience, people will not let the Bible get in the way of what they believe about God the Father, God the Son, or the Holy Spirit. So, for the Passion week, I call it crucifixion Wednesday, and resurrection Sunday.


The God of Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Scripture says, in the beginning God created everything – (Genesis 1:1).  Day one He created light – (Genesis 1:3). Day two He created sky – (Genesis 1:6). Day three He gathered the waters that were separated underneath the sky into one place, and the dry land appeared which He called Earth, and the water He called seas, and He called the Earth to produce all vegetation – (Genesis 1:9-11). Day four He created the sun, moon, stars, and galaxies as a unit of measure, and to shine on Earth to distinguish night from day – (Genesis 1:14-18).  Day five He created every living creature that moves in the sea, and every winged creature outside the sea – (Genesis 1:20-22). Day six He created the beast, every creepy thing, and MAN – (Genesis 1:24,25), and – (Genesis 1:26-28), that’s it. Day seven He rested — not catch His breath, but was finished creating, and since that time, nothing else was created, but here’s what’s interesting.

Man did not come on the scene until everything he’d ever need was in place, and God hasn’t changed from yesterday, today, and He will not tomorrow.

Every person born is born at their appointed time; a time such as then, now, and tomorrow. Why? Because we’re given gifts and an anointing before our birth that does not need to be taught – (1st John 2:27). So at this appointed time, we’re assigned parents and placed into the womb of the female that will be in proximity of the first steps we’ll take toward our destiny. These parents are responsible to kickstart us on the road to our intention.

You nor I would be unless everything we need was in place to fulfill God’s Will and purpose for our appointed time. He did this with Adam and Eve, He did this with Noah, He did this with Moses, He did this with Jesus, and He did it with you and me; He hasn’t changed, and He’ll continue to do it the same way tomorrow for those not yet born. So, if you didn’t know it, we’re setting their stage.

All the gifts of civilization exist because of people born at an appointed time with their gifts and anointing intact; extracting from what’s not seen by those already here and producing it in a way from things seen only by them. This is a talent, and every human has one, even if you have been, are here now, or yet be.

Our DNA components explains God’s Will of our existence. One missing or altered component of this blueprint of God’s Grace, makes human life extreme, and not of God. That’s what’s wrong with Evolution. Evolution rules out the consistency of God’s design.

The survival of the fittest is not of God. It was never to be this way, but came about after the fall of Man. When innocents is sacrificed at a whim, for the benefit of quenching the lust of the wicked, or the good, at the mercy of the evil.

Our anointing and gift of life that defines who we really are, is hidden in Jesus Christ – (Colossians 3:2-4); no Jesus, then we’re living a mistake, and our life becomes misused, unfulfilled no matter what we do, or accomplish because we’ll eventually get bored with the reoccurrences, and ultimately realize, this ain’t me, or it, but not so with God.

If you’re reading this, your appointed time is now in the times such as these, and it belongs to God. It’s the call of the Great I AM of yesterday, today, and tomorrow; there’s no mistaking it…. In Jesus’ Name, amen.


Word of note: Don’t get confused or cocky about God knowing us before the womb, because scripture says He knew us from before the foundations of the world – (Ephesians 1:4), He knowing us as Man before He created Man.

We weren’t called Man until we had a physical body just like He didn’t name Earth until dryland appeared – (Genesis 1:9,10). And the Word being known as Jesus, after the Word/Jesus became flesh – (John 1:14).


It’s what we’re eating 

Our quality of life is related to what we eat, and I’m not talking about food. Our bodies eat what our five (5) senses put into it and putting food into our bodies through our mouths is just one of the five.

Just like our bodies get dirty being out and about, that same process is how the body eats without the mouth. When we pattern the ways of this world into our every-day’s, we’re shaping our lives to become that which we’re considering — good or bad. Our body through its senses is constantly sending data to our mind, and our mind helplessly draws it in like a magnet.

Too much of the same things every day, over time, is what the body will soon require. This is called the formation of a habit, and can turn into a rut when it feels as if the routines have boxed us in. If the body doesn’t get what it’s craving, it will magnify the stimulus trying to force our mind to cooperate, and continuously giving into the influences is called addiction. Example:

Once upon a time one beer could make you tipsy, but continue to drink beer, and one is not enough.

Once upon a time a kiss and embrace were pretty steamy in a movie, but today, it has to be practically porn; it’s the same with foul language. Once upon a time TV went off at midnight, but today if something like that happened the stations contact info would explode with calls. Why, because we eat that stuff, and have advanced the desire for more. No wonder we’re stressed, depressed, and feel as if we’re spinning our wheels, sinking, nervous and full of anxiety. “It’s what we’re eating.”

(1st John 2:15-17), tells us, “Do not love the world or the things in the world because if anyone loves the world, the love of the God is not in him, because the only thing that’s in the world is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, and those things are not of God, they belong to the world, and the world is passing away, and the lust that`s in it” ….

There it is, the three things that keeps us taking one step forward, and two steps backwards; without the assistance of Satan, and certainly not of God; we’re born with it. I’ll explain.

The world can only offer us its hunger for physical pleasure; wishes for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions.

The lust of the flesh consists of gratifying the want for physical pleasure, trying to please our sinful selves by means of fornication, adultery, incest, sodomy, and all unnatural yearnings; including the overindulgence and overconsumption of eating/gluttony and drinking/drunkenness; reveling aka [also known as], cutting loose/unplugging.

The lust of the eyes is the love, allurement, and desires for all the things we see the world can offer us, and it’s made up of worldly objects that are visible such as gold and silver, houses, land, and possessions, aka [also known as], bling-bling. The eyes of men are never satisfied, aka [also known as], covetousness. (Proverbs 27:20).

The pride of life is our ambitions; being overly proud of what we’ve accomplished; found in the achievements and assets that we’ve acquired, such as impressive and luxurious living, being rich in diet, owning costly apparel, having fine first class and upfront seats in places of assembly, when there’s many in attendance.

This world and everything that people want in it is passing away, in many cases for some it seems as if it already has but kept alive by our passions for it. This is why when we indulge in the things of the world, we hate ourselves when we find out it wasn’t all what we thought it would be. If we could have only thought differently, we wouldn’t be so dissatisfied with ourselves afterwards, so now, empty feelings begin to persecute or soul; why, because the lust of the world is dead. It offers pain, sorrow, and destruction; camouflaging truth with a mirage, deploying Satan’s will to kill, steal, and destroy – (John 10:10).

We defend our mind’s imagination and thoughts. The World battles for our mind because it understands and recognizes the value of endless persuasion, and urging, as it attempts to initiate what we ought to believe, derailing our innate connection to God.

We’ve got to scan continuously what our senses gather, questioning and processing all data that tries to pull our anchor from God, so as not be captured responding to the deceptions that’s spark our vulnerability for the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life, and our defense of it; eating blindly of what’s ungodly.

Get this understanding… In Jesus’ Name, amen.


A Christmas to remember: Encore 

Christmas is that time of year for good stories, and I believe this is one. I once told the story about the best Christmas I ever had. Some of you may remember, it was about the Boy Scouts bringing me and Mom a Christmas tree on Christmas Eve: that was it for us that Christmas, but this story tops it. I’ll post my best Christmas ever in a few days. Anyway, I’ve been playing Santa Claus for a preschool program called “Head Start” for a while, but this one year I got floored. (If you’re too stiffed shirt — stop, you will not enjoy this.)

I got to school for their traditional breakfast with Santa. It was early and the children were just filtering in when I drove up and came face-to-face with this particular young lad — a preschooler walking to the door with his mother. I was in my Santa suit, so the lad was at ease to say, “SANTA!!! They said you’d be coming here today, and I got you a gift.” I responded in character, “Merry Christmas Son; thank you.” (We’ll call this young lad Billy for the story.)

Billy’s Mother suggested, “Since Santa’s here why don’t you and he go inside together, and I’ll see you later. Billy looked at me with searching eyes asking, “Where’s your reindeer?” I answered, “Only on Christmas Eve Billy; other than that day I’ll use whatever transportation’s available to get me where I’ve got to go.

Once inside the school, I asked Billy which way should we go, upstairs or down – to make conversation; then Billy looked at me puzzled, “You don’t know do you? Down Santa, we go downstairs.” So, we went downstairs, and some teachers greeted us saying, “Santa you’re here.” Again, I said Merry Christmas and after some exchanges and instruction, I let them know I was going upstairs to let the other teachers know I was here, but Billy interrupted reminding me, “Santa your gift!”

I let Billy know that it was okay to leave the gift he had for me right here until the end of the day; that way I wouldn’t forget it, but the look on his face after I said what I said, was the look of total rejection with his head bowed down and his bottom lip poked out obviously hurt by that suggestion, and my re-action about his request.  His teachers asked him what was wrong, but he paused, and it was a very noticeable, and deliberate pause; answering under his breath, “Nothing”, but of course we all knew different.

As I searched for the camera room, I was met and given instruction for the photo opp. Now settled in, and after about sixty children giving me hugs as I played Santa; with me giving them candy canes, asking them their names, would they like to take a picture with me, what they wanted for Christmas, look at the camera, and on the count of three say Merry Christmas, and so on, and so forth, Billy’s class came into the picture room.

When it was Billy’s turn to get his picture taken, he raced up to me; “SANTA!” reaching me all excited, like he’d just found his best friend, and I was just as excited along with him. I went through my routine with Billy as I did with every child but when I asked him what he wanted for Christmas, he stared at me and question, “Santa, why do you have a beard?” And my answer was, “Where I live it keeps me warm;” then Billy shouted, “I want a car!!! a toy car. I love cars, I play with the cars here at school all the time but, I can’t take any of them home.” Next, he said, “I don’t have one, so I want a car to play with at home for Christmas.”  (I shouldn’t have to tell any of you my reply, but in case I do,) I told him, “We’re going to work hard on that son,” as I wink, winked in the direction of the staff.

After about sixty more children things begin to slow down. A teacher came up to me saying Billy had to go; his mom was in a hurry, but he was so insistent on giving you this gift. We told him don’t worry we’ll give your gift to Santa Claus — we promise, we won’t forget.

I opened up the poorly wrapped gift, and after seeing what was inside, my chin fell to the floor. Inside of a partially covered tissue box was a car; a car submerged inside bundles of tissue; the kind of car Billy could play with for hours. I glanced back and forth between the car and the teachers, and to everyone’s surprise, then they explained to me in shock.

They were shaking their heads telling me — all the children got a Santa package yesterday, and we put a toy in each package. “We knew Billy’s love of cars, so we put a car in his package – that one!!! but don’t keep it because we’ll give it back, we’re going to give that car back to him.” I was stunned and lost for words. All I could say was okay, but I wanted that car. Then I mumbled to myself, “Don’t give this one back to Billy — get another; find another child outside of this school to give this one too.”

Yah see, Billy gave up the thing he loved the most, the thing he wanted more than anyone could imagine, the thing he wished for — dreamed of, and spoke about every day, but gave it away to someone he considered special. It didn’t matter to him that he was going to miss what he loved so much. The only thing that mattered was he felt Santa would love the car just as he, and Santa did.

Billy didn’t feel he was losing anything as long as he could make a difference in Santa’s life; it was about how he was felling in his young heart — that unconditional love he was too young to explain or understand; those feelings inside of him being worth more; him wanting to give a gift to Santa, even though the gift was all he ever wanted and loved, but thought Santa would like also; young Billy cared not how he’d feel later in a quiet moment of self-pleasure.

What a lesson we were all getting, and it was being taught by a preschooler who wasn’t there. His mother came to pick him up early, and take him someplace else. Thank God because none of us would’ve been capable of acting as spontaneous as we were — all emotional and sensitive; caught inside such a penetrating the moment. Plus, with all that going on, we may have done the wrong thing.

Giving back that car would have crush Billy, I said misty-eyed. You can’t give that car back to Billy if you understand absolute, and unrestricted love; if you’ve ever loved someone with all your heart and soul, if that someone you love meant more to you than your own wants, desires, needs and happiness, and it’s only their joy that’ll make you feel meaningful. That was all that mattered most if you understood what Billy was doing. Some of us never will get it, or even think to do such a courageous act of love. Billy gave more that Christmas then Santa; it kind of reminds me of the Widow’s mite – (Mark 12:41-44).

My prayers and many thanks go out to Billy this Christmas and for all of my Christmas’ forever more. What a young man. What an example for all of us, and Mankind.

Merry Christmas everyone; especially you Billy for making mine this year and every year to come from now on special — with the greatest gift of all, the gift to love someone.

Merry Christmas and praise be to God for His sacred, blessed, holy and beloved Son Jesus, my Lord, my Savior; my God. Merry Christmas everyone, have a safe and prosperous New Year; love to you all.


Word of note: Love is a choice not an emotion, and if someone chooses to love you — cherish it, there’s no better feeling, and you’ll miss it if they ever chose to stop.


Jesus is not Conservative

Many of us since Covid, and the affect it has over our lives, have adjusted, or re-thought about attending church; having focused more toward TV Ministries as an alternative. More than a few of these Ministries highlight a brand, and will target that image in a direction to gather your support, and their congregations buy into it. Their trend can be quite different from scripture by cleverly, or just wrongly disguising their objective as if it weren’t.

Don’t get me wrong, Churches have callings also; example: Church A’s mission is this, and Church B’s mission is that, and Church C’s mission is the other thing. All good, but it’s their activities behind the scenes that’ll seem as if they don’t believe what they preach. How? When these brands seep into a doctrine not found in the Bible, that’s how.

Where does their brand end, and the Gospel begin even when they’re away from the assembly? I’m talking about enticement. What really are these churches encouraging with their power of influence?

I’m seeing, and hearing more and more churches divide themselves into Conservative and Liberal agendas, and this war happening against one another claiming one position over the other is Godly. Let’s look at this.

Conservatism is a type of political belief that supports the importance of past traditions, [traditions that have, or will mostly favor a select few]; depending on the individual to maintain social order, also known as: Self — or, I got mine, you get yours.

Liberalism is a type of political belief that advocate Civil Liberties as a right. They want to establish a balance of freedom for the people when the apparent is not possible, also known as: My brother’s keeper — or, doing for the people what they can’t do for themselves when the balance of Civil Liberties have been altered by no fault of their own.

Jesus gave specific commands before He ascended back into eternity – (Matthew 28:18-20), that reads: Go make disciples, meaning: Help show the people they have a Divine will and purpose for their lives; so, get out and do it because we’re not pew sitters to be entertained from cradle to grave. Baptize people in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and don’t deviate/stray from what I’ve taught you.

Jesus also said in – (Matthew 10:7-14), that reads: Preach His message, heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, drive out demons, take no money, take no clothes, and if a home welcomes you, stay there until you move on, because that home is worthy. But if they don’t welcome you, move on; their fate will be worst then Sodom and Gomorrah’s. Jesus wouldn’t tell us to do these things if we couldn’t. Is that Conservativism?

Jesus made a whip, He beat, and He disrupted things until He drove out all the church’s bottom-line motive to profit from the order of events of that day. – (John 2:15). Conservativism? They probably could have done great things with that money conservatives would say.

Jesus gave food to thousands who came to hear His message more than once, and from someone else’s basket – (Matthew 14:13-22) – (Matthew 15:29-39). These events are not the same, they happened in two different cities. Habit? Liberal — doing for people what they can’t do for themselves; being their brother’s keeper. Or should it have been up to the individuals — to each his own – you know, Conservative?

Jesus said put all your cares upon Him. Why? Does this mean He’ll carry the burden for you, and for what – (1st Peter 5:7)? Is this Conservative?

Jesus paid the wage for our Sin debt which we all owe and must be paid — but with His life, also known as the Gospel – [The Gospel is Jesus’s birth, life, death, and Resurrection]. Freeing people from their debt – sin dept in this case. Is that Conservative? I could go on.

God does not help those who helps themselves. I’ll repeat — God does not help those who helps themselves. That’s the lie of Benjamin Franklin, and he took it from someone else.

If you can help yourself, meaning: redeem yourself, you don’t need God – (Job 40:1-14). God is challenging Job statement that he’s right, and God’s wrong about him. God said He’d step back if Job can do a few things which God named.

Imagine that. God is willing to let you be your own god, and He’ll confess to you that your own right hand can save you, if you’ll do a few things better than He.

Keep believing you’re self-made, that you make your own way, walk the path you choose, make all you can, can all you make; then sit on your can – sound like a song from Frank Sinatra, “I did it my way;” even while so many others are having their Civil Liberties violated by no fault of their own — but by a few, who are fueled by politics, and now today, so many Churches.

Everything is moving toward self – Conservative love it, but it’s not scriptural. What’s scriptural is this illustration that points out some fulfillment of end times prophecy.


Proverbs 4:7

Reads — In all you get, get understanding.

Hi, my name is Gaidi; I’m a believer; born-again/saved, and I trust God. This was not always the case. What happened to me is what non-believers choose not to believe; I know because I was one of them. Non-believers except the lie that they’re independent/separate from God, or choose not believe in God at all. This lie is part of all non-believers DNA if they know it or not.

The truth is — this lie, is like trying to believe that 1+1=3, and many fight this loosing battle from cradle to grave; blinded because of the lack of understanding, and It’s dangerous, and lonely — but there’s good news. This lie that’s a curse in our DNA which we’ve all inherited at birth, is removable. God created us that way. Once removed, only then can you experience the power, grace, favor, and love of God.

Word of note: I’m no Preacher, Deacon, Trustee, Elder, Bishop, Apostle, Evangelists or any who’s who title carrier of the church, I’m just a disciple of God/Jesus doing obedience.

I wrote a book to illustrate understanding that – (Proverbs 4:7) advises us all to get. It’s about life situations and its remedies using the power of God’s Word as truth.

Thank you for your support, and reviews.

Proverbs 4:7: Written Letters illustrating Awareness and Understanding vol.1: Gaidi: 9798604148211: Books
