O Holy Night

The virgin birth of Jesus is the glue that gives Christianity its foundation. If there is no virgin birth, all of Christian belief is a lie.
Hold that thought.

God made Man in His Image, and after His Likeness (Genesis 1:26), but not the image and likeness you see in the mirror. God’s Image is referring to His Nature, and the likeness is referring to His Rule.
Man is supposed to be as gods on this planet, (Psalm 82:6): meaning, ruling and operating God’s authority through Man’s own spirit which is housed inside of his physical body, but something happened.

Man disobeyed God by eating fruit from a tree God banned, thus Man bought sin and death into the world, (Romans 5:12).
Death as it is known in scripture is a spiritual death, a separation from God who is a Spirit (John 4:24), and it happened immediately to Adam and Eve, (Genesis 3:8-11). So, Man lost his connection to God, along with God’s Nature/Image and Rule/Likeness.

Adam is the culprit even though Eve ate of the prohibited fruit first, because God told Adam about that tree, and its fruit, (Genesis 2:17); Eve was not yet created; she didn’t appear until after Adam gave name to everything, (Genesis 2:20-22).
The Image/Nature of God was removed from Adam and replaced with the image/nature of sin because of his choice to disobey God; since then and to the present, Man is born with the sin nature.

Before I continue, here’s some science:
When a child is conceived, everything about that child is inside the man’s seed, and the woman’s egg — we can say, is the soil of which the seed is planted. What makes you a male or female is solely determined by a gene carried by the male called, the chromosome, and the chromosomes in the male has a gene inside of it that’s labeled either X or Y. Only men have this X and Y chromosome, but women only have an X.
If the X chromosome enters the egg of a female from the male, the child will be a girl, (X+X). If a Y chromosome enters the egg of a female from a male, the child will be a boy, (X+Y), but also the characteristic of the sin nature for either sex.

Jesus was spiritually inserted into the womb without an insemination to the egg. There was no XorY chromosome from the man, nor an X chromosome from the woman. For this reason, Jesus was without sin inside of Mary’s womb before His birth, and in my opinion with no XorY chromosomes.
With that, let’s get back to Jesus’ birth.

Adam and Eve were without sin, nor its nature before the fall. When the sin nature took over ADAM, every child born now has that trait passed on to them male or female.
Example: You don’t have to teach a child to be selfish or self-centered, you have to teach them not to be.

When an angel told Mary she was to bear a child without knowing a man, (Luke 1:28-34), the angel told her the Spirit of God will come upon her, (Luke 1:35) and guess what, God’s Spirit does not have the sin nature, Jesus was born without a nature to sin; without selfishness, and without self-centeredness. He was also referred to as the second ADAM, (1st Corinthians 15:45).

Jesus’ job was to live life as Adam did before his fall — being there was no sin before the fall, what God did to cover the shame now upon Adam and Eve was to sacrifice an innocent life — a lamb, to provide a cover the two from that point on needed for the rest of their physical lives which was to eventually end also, (Romans 6:23).

Jesus’ Virgin birth qualified Him to be characterize as He who is without sin when He challenged the Scribes and Pharisees about the women caught in the act of adultery, (John 8:4-11).
He who knew no sin, but is God’s Word in the flesh, (John 1:14); was sacrificed, just like the innocent lamb that was sacrificed to cover the shame of Adam and Eve’s sin. Jesus in the flesh was God’s perfect lamb, (John 1:36). His sacrifice saved the world, (John 3:16), and the Cross, plus His Resurrection from the dead: also known as the finished works of the Cross, saved Man, (1st Corinthians 15:12-20).

We take time out in early Winter to celebrate the birth of this event, given by God, to mankind. The Savior was born. The time when Man got a second chance. The time when Christianity was established with the Virgin Birth.
O Holy Night, and Come Let Us Adore Him.


Word of note: Spiritual Death is when a person is alive physically, but dead spiritually. Everyone is born spiritually dead; separated from God, and it is not until we surrender our lives to Jesus that spiritually we can be re-connected. IF WE DON’T DO THIS WHILE LIVING AND PASS AWAY, IT’S TOO LATE, AND OUR FATE SEALED; PERMENATLY SEPERATED FROM GOD IN HELL, AND THIS IS NOT GOD’S WILL FOR US. HE DOESN’T WANT NONE TO PARRISH, BUT IT’S OUR CHOICE, (2nd Peter 3:9).


God is Not Supernatural

God is Not Supernatural for one reason and one reason only; all things are possible with God, (Matthew 19:26). Jesus is saying here — humanly speaking, many things are impossible for Man, but with God everything is possible. All things are natural and normal to God; nothing’s out of the ordinary. So, what we really mean, and need to say instead of God being Supernatural, is to say the Divine Nature of God, or God’s Divine Nature, or Divine Intervention.

Supernatural means abnormal — not natural, and our natural being combined with God’s super being is better said as Divine Intervention, or the Divine Nature of God, or God’s Divine Nature, and it doesn’t make us Supernatural; why? Because God’s not super, and the born-again/saved are not natural.

The nature of the Natural man is a person who does not know Christ, (1st Corinthians 2:14). God’s Divine Nature combined with a man’s natural nature doesn’t make a man supernatural, which is the same as saying  super abnormal.

God’s Divine Nature does not share the nature of a natural man, it throws it out once he’s saved, (2nd Corinthians 5:17). Man becomes a new creature in Christ, and at that moment, his old nature passes away, it’s been replaced; it’s either with the Divine Nature of God, or it’ll be man’s own natural nature directing him, but not both.

Man’s death to his natural nature makes him spiritually conscious of Christ living inside of him, (Galatians 2:20); with a mindset that’ll discern his and Christ’s relationship permitting his life to be governed by the Holy Spirit, which makes all things possible for him naturally, not supernaturally, (1st Corinthians 2:9-12).

The term Supernatural is the occult — look it up.
You’ll fine Supernatural defined as: the paranormal, psychic, magic, occult, mystic, mystical, superhuman supernormal, strange, bizarre, creepy, mysterious, superstitious; weird, and eerie, just to name a few, and are the true correct definitions of the term.
You’ll find Supernatural defined incorrectly, describing the celestial, or divine side of God as — omnipotent, omnipresent, spiritual, supreme, angelic, immortal, and almighty, just to name a few; true, but all of these celestial definitions are describing characteristics of God’s Divine Nature — not Him; plus all these things are natural as far as God is concerned; not Supernatural.

So, since Man can’t explain God rightly, he pollutes Him by trying; feeling sanctimonious with the usage of such a term to define God’s Nature as being supernatural which is vastly used, and used wrongly, but excepted.
To try and say God is supernatural is an attempt to humanize Him; to bring Him to our level of understanding, and knowingly, or un-knowingly put Him on a level playing field with other so-called deities, better known as idols.

The books out here dealing with idols hypothetically having conversations and relationships with God are trash. Books teaching us to lean on our own understanding are trash. People believing God helps those who helps themselves is a lie.
Benjamin Franklin is accredited with that statement which he got from someone else by the way. It’s not scriptural, nor is it found inside the Holy Bible.

Fear, depression, low self-esteem, etc. are all about Man’s self-centeredness, self-righteous, and his ignorance of God. This kind of nature is Man’s natural nature because it makes everything be about him, absent from God.
God has nothing to do with this stuff, but we blame Him. We try to short-change Him to see our side; objectifying Him; referring to Him as Supernatural, which is defined as abnormal… Quit it — find another word or description.

God is Almighty. Existence is His creation — seen or unseen, explained or un-explained, but He is not Supernatural, He is … I Am.
