Don’t spoil God’s Word

In quiet time/prayer this morning I was praising God letting Him know how safe, how protected, how assure, how peaceful, how anointed, and how powerful I felt while in my quiet spot surrounded by His presence. But after leaving, even though I felt those things, my members didn’t feel like that glory was there anymore when I left. What a downer. It felt as if I left all that awesome splendor in my quiet spot, and a few of those blessed feelings got washed away when I walked out of the room. Feeling upset as I got ready for the day, I just stopped, grabbed the sides of my head and with a gasp said, Nooooooo! and asked, how can that happen and how can I stop it. Do I need more Word, or do I need to stay in my quiet spot and not come out? Then suddenly this message from God hit me. Here was His reply.

“G”, you can never relax on the Word, never. The Word is like food that needs refrigeration, outside the refrigerator for too long it spoils. YOU, away from the Word too long will spoil it because of worldly interferences and attacks that start immediately. When you leave your quiet spot, you feel the spoiling taking place at once. Staying in the Word often, will soon freeze the Word inside your members and the spoiling process will take longer because it will become frozen inside of you; forming itself so solid it’ll become as a Glacier in your soul and temporary removal outside into a hostile environment will have little if no effect. Solid as a rock as you guy’s say; then what you feel inside your quiet spot will be what you feel outside of it, now go read (Matthew 13:3-8).

My reply, Thank you Jesus, Glory be to God; well revealed as always.



Understanding is the master key to everything you’ll ever do physically or spiritually, so don’t get the notion for one bit that (Proverbs 4:7) doesn’t pertain to you if you’re a non-believer and you’ve happen to stumbled onto this blog.

Yes, I will come across as often as I can to illustrate understanding based on Revelation from God, because I ain’t that smart about many of the penetrating thoughts I’ll be posting.

Without understanding, God’s Wisdom and Knowledge can go untapped and can create confusion which is what (Proverbs 4:7) confesses that it doesn’t want which many non-believing groups fall into.

So, for the sake of understanding take a moment to consider this, that you don’t do what you don’t understand, so the less you understand the less you do, and the less you do will define your situation in life.

Limited understanding equals a poor standard of living, which is the cause for many of life’s pitfalls in just about everything.

I hope I don’t chase you away but I am calling you out because the lack of understanding is bondage, is boring, and is sad.

You may not find the answer here, but from here you might go try and find the answer.

If nothing else, enjoy this mind opening blog and maybe just maybe icon me on your front page.


The mystery of a new day

What is a new day like for you? Do you give it a thought or are you too busy? Do you go with the flow or have a set plan? Are you excited or don’t you care? Is it in your control or is it controlled by others? Will you be happy, sad, or indifferent? No matter what, it is YOUR day and what kind of day it will be is where the mystery lies.

Everything I mentioned above pertains to events. It’s the events of a new day that make it a mystery, and how these events affect you make it good or bad. The events of the day are determining factors that say your day is controlled by you or controlled by others, and how you accept it is how you’ll grade it.

Many of us fall into the hive sponsored by webs of events, so our day goes this way and that way by the hour. People and things shine or rain on our parade. This is a sad way to live and eventually gets old so you try to expand events putting your eggs into this basket and that basket hoping it provides the day you’re looking for.

Now I’ll try to solve the mystery.

You can’t have a good day based on events only; your good day begins with YOU being the event, and for nothing in return…Whaaat! Yes, I said it right. No matter what happens in a day when you’re the benefactor/giver looking for no return in all that happens which you’re involved, your day was outstanding. I’m not saying not to be paid for your effort/labor; I’m saying your mindset should deem it secondary if at all.

You’re not indebted because of pay or the lack there of. The end does not justify the means here. You’re paid by the works of the Holy Spirit, (Did I lose anybody?) who will open the doors of wealth for you when you least expect it because of what you bring, large or small, and it how you bring it, (Attitude). Used rightly and you’ll always have a good day, but use it poorly and selfishly and your day will be event-based and always a mystery.

The outlook for a good day is not what’s in it for you but what’s in it for others whose lives you touch in a given day for the better regardless of reward. This kind of day has no failures making it a good day. This kind of day factors out the mysteries of events bought on daily as the calendar changes. This kind of day solves,…The mysteries of a new day.


Freedom without God according to King Solomon

I came across an article in a magazine I read called “Mornings with Jesus.” It’s daily devotional published by “Guidepost” in their July/August 2016 issue. It reads.

Thursday, July 7th

Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun, Ecclesiastes 2:11 (NIV) the Holy Bible “New International Version.”

If anyone knew anything about “the good life” it was King Solomon. Possessing more fame, wealth, and power than anyone on Earth. He had unlimited resources at his disposal. After Solomon’s heart strayed from God, he undertook magnificent building projects, amassed servants and wives, and experimented with every earthly pleasured he desired. Late in his reign, he looked back over the wasted years he’d spent searching for fulfillment. Although Solomon had found temporary pleasure in his pursuit, he concluded that all his endeavors lacked real meaning and lasting satisfaction. He might as well have been chasing the wind.

A depressing view of life, and quite a contrast to what Jesus offers in John 10:10, “I come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Jesus lived and died so that we can have a life of meaning and purpose, enjoying fellowship with him and each other. We can chase after material wealth, popularity, or earthly achievements, but we end up feeling empty. Or we can follow Jesus, striving to know, love, and serve Him better each day, and have an abundant life.

The satisfaction that comes from earthly pleasures doesn’t last. The deep, abiding joy that springs from Walking with Jesus everyday is permanent. Compared with the rich spiritual blessings our Savior generously pours out, the best the world has to offer amounts to nothing. Why would I want to chase after the wind when I can follow the only One who gives life.

Dianne Neal Mathews

Faith Step: Think about where you’ve been focusing your time and effort lately. If you’ve been chasing after worldly pleasures, make a commitment to turn in the other direction and flowing Jesus instead.


What a nice follow-up about to the post called “Freedom” about someone who had it ALL, and I mean so much ALL, you nor anyone you know can imagine, and it was all for naught without Jesus. Solomon was the freest man on earth. He was King and afforded corruption, there was no enforcement to stop any type of pleasure he could imagine. He had no equal but realized without Jesus it was meaningless, lonely and empty; in bondage chasing wind. Look, if we don’t learn from our History we’ll repeat it.



Freedom, who has it. What does it mean to be free, and where does it begin. I’ll be quick, freedom’s gone, and it’s been gone. It’s no such thing anymore. We all have ideas of freedom but those ideas are not freedom, example: Doing what YOU want, when YOU want, and how YOU want is not freedom, its self-gratification and its cousins are self-centeredness, selfishness, and pride because everything involves your self-interest and begins and ends with YOU; also all these self’s are sins according to the Bible but if you want to rule out the Bible — and I’m not, let me just say this, your freedom ends where my nose begins.

If everyone had the belief that freedom was hands off and acted it out, everything would be in chaos. Let’s pause a moment and look at our world today. Everything is in chaos, why, because the world chases the idea of freedom assuming it’s the right to act sinful or not if so desired believing that’s what life’s all about, but sin affects everything. Without sin this world couldn’t function because it’s fashioned itself on it and its profits; sin is part of the global economy underground or not. This world is so corrupt that corruption itself is becoming the norm. If you don’t have or are into some type of scheme no matter how small or often it presents itself, something must be wrong with you no matter if you’re the anchor or the participant.

Capitalism today has become legal exploitation because its evolved into a mixed economy,(A mixed economy is an economy that provides protectionism for companies that excludes you from being competitive with them based on favoritism, big money and territorial rights, just to name a few.). Example: Goodyear can borrow money to sell tires in the millions, but you can’t get a cent to do the same even though it’s a known fact that tires sale, it’s a billion dollar industry. It’s the product not the company, or should I say that’s the way it should be, (call this favor). Coca-Cola and Budweiser distribute beverages, but you try to distribute a beverage they don’t sell and the answer is no, you’ll have to go through a known qualified distributor, (call this protectionism). Have an idea but slow getting it off the ground because of money; watch big business gobbled it up. (call this big money). I could go on but I think you get the picture, so let me get back on point. This protectionism produces inferior products to increase their bottom line, and eliminates players, (call this legal exploitation, and territorial rights). This exploitation, deceit and manipulation makes the world go round for a select few. Our universities teaches us how to navigate this system so it works for the few and when we work it successfully this world calls it shrewd.

Our political system is in shambles, we have the United States of the Democrats and the United States of the Republicans but no United States of America any more. Why is each party so different if we all want the same thing which is freedom, but freedom of what and from who? Is it freedom to manipulate the system and its progress? Is it freedom to maneuver the Supreme Court politicizing objective law? Is it freedom to tamper with voters rights? Is it freedom to discriminate against people on our Southern borders but not our Northern? Manipulation, discrimination, backstabbing all in the name of freedom? I’ll add the drug business with its life destroying product, the sex business with it’s exploitation, the gambling business building empires off losses, the liquor business with its false marketing of peace, fun, and games, Wall Street with its corruption, the medical industry treating you rather then healing you for repeat business, and insurance companies with their irregularities doing whatever. Need I say more?

This world can’t truely produce or offer freedom because it’s marred in sin and needs it to operate….I’ll take a breath….Now the good part.

The world operates like this because of Satan who has claims to it because of Adam and Eve, (Luke 4:6). It’s been said and known for a while freedom ain’t free, there’s a price to pay and I agree if you’re looking at the world to give it to you, but if you want free freedom that’s available to all, you’ve got to receive Jesus, then watch the transformation, see the difference and feel the changes that will happen to you metaphorically, then go tell somebody afterwards, next say a small prayer later they’ll get what you’ve gained.


Word of note: (Ecclesiastes 2 :1-26) in the New Century Version of the Bible and in the Message Version of the Bible is an eye-opener too; it’s about life in this physical world from someone who had it all, mankind’s only multi-trillionaire — King Solomon.

For fun look up Curtis Mayfield’s 1970 hit song, “If it’s hell below we’re all going to go.”You’ll hear lyric proclaiming the signs of the times then with no change of those times today a half centry later giving fact to (Luke 4:6). and the beat goes on until the return of Jesus.
